Double Act’s AGM was a well attended event and much was discussed particularly with reference to our future program. Given below is a selection of extracts from the ably composed minutes by the (then!) Secretary, Peter Smith.
Secretary’s Summary. Peter summarised the events of our 21st Birthday Year from the Coffee Morning; the April 21st Party with dragon dancing; the DA archive; the DA Lowlights video; the May Fair; the Jacobean Murder Walk; our advertising attempts; the attendance at carnivals & fairs; the rehearsals for ‘Cinderella and the Pantomime Thief’; the unfortunate upheavals and eventual successful production. Everyone who attended or supported DA in any way throughout the year was thanked.
Election of Officers. Mike Spinney was elected in his absence as Chairman (He has subsequently agreed). Having served for several years, Peter stood down as Secretary and was replaced by Rob Schofield (a hard act to follow Rob!). Hilary is remaining as as Treasurer (For one LAST year; 2019 will make 5 years in post!). All of these appointments were proposed and seconded by various members and were unanimously approved by the meeting.
David W proposed a vote of thanks to Peter for his long stint as secretary.
New Committee comprises Mike, Rob, Hilary, Barry, Chris, Judith, David W., Marion, Cherry & Poppy. Teresa will contribute as and when safeguarding issues require attention.
At the next meeting each member will be asked to take on a specific role to spread the workload of the group. e.g. – Webmaster (David W?); Safeguarding (Teresa?); Social Media; Membership secretary; Meet & Greet; Publicity; Costumes shed etc.
November Production: It was confirmed “Arsenic and Old Lace” is being directed by Christine. Shows on Nov 14th, 15th & 16th. Matinee on 16th with same tickets prices as last year. £9 adults; £6 children; £7 OAP’s on Sat 15th matinee. No Sneak Peak this year. Please express your interest in any particular part to Chris. Chris & Pete to meet to discuss staging & script etc. Auditions on 13th & 20th May 2019 at 7pm Corfe Castle Village Hall. Performance rights to be sought.
Poster competition to be run. Photo-boards to be altered as soon as possible.
May Fair 27th : We will have a presence and hope to perform a mini-Aladdin during the day.