The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Although the production may not take place this year, work is still going on in the background. Please click on the “Next Performance” tab for more info.
Summer 2020 Murder Walk
The National Trust have restricted access to the Castle so it is highly unlikely that the ‘Walk will go ahead this year.
But a new script is in preparation, thanks to Dougal (no pressure!), and we will certainly return next summer if allowed.
The plan is for a ‘World War II’ setting for the next murder walk.
Welcome Back Social Event
Once we are all allowed out of “lock-down” and able to assemble, we will arrange a suitable event for our group to meet up and get Double Act back on the road again.
The NODA sponsored Theatre Skills Workshop will also be re-scheduled as that would have been a good fun day and would be a good way to get things back to normal.
…………meantime, take care, follow the rules and keep the virus at bay. We hope to see you soon!!