Hysterical Historical Hi-jinks!!

Ah! November!

For 2022 our November production, will be limited to one night only, the evening of Friday the 25th. Having put a lot of work into staging The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in March this year, the Committee decided we needed to avoid the heavy demands on time and energy associated with another full production this November. Two major productions in one year would be a significant challenge!

So, a plan was hatched to combine two plays for this November that we are familiar with. The evening performance will comprise our popular “Who Rules Britannia” and an act selection from “1066 and All That”. We performed 1066′ in November 2000 and some of the original cast will be reprising their roles; hopefully they will still remember their lines!

So, please join us on the 25th November for a splendid evening’s entertainment!

Rehearsals are well advanced as are plans for a normal full production in November 2023………….

A selection of 1066′ rehearsal snaps.

The Court Room!

Barry giving it everything!

Now joined by ‘The Common Man’