David Kemp of Corfe Castle was looking for a useful way to gain permitted daily exercise! Having exhausted local footpaths he came across St. Edward’s Way, a new trail connecting Corfe Castle to Shaftesbury. This looked varied and interesting, linking the Dorset scenery to the dramatic story of St. Edward King and Martyr, who was […]
Social Bubble Family Quiz Night!!!
We are very sorry but, as you will have guessed, this event has had to be cancelled for November 27th. We hope to try again in the not too distant future! Stay safe – regards to all from Double-Act and thank you for your continued support. Double Act is working hard to mitigate the “Grey […]
Plans and Thoughts……
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Although the production may not take place this year, work is still going on in the background. Please click on the “Next Performance” tab for more info. Summer 2020 Murder Walk The National Trust have restricted access to the Castle so it is highly unlikely that the ‘Walk will go […]
Theatre Skills Taster Day!
Double Act is hosting a Theatre Skills Taster Day on Sunday 29th March 10am-4pm, at Corfe Castle village hall (BH20 5EE). This promises to be a fun filled day both for complete beginners and those with experience. Click here for further information including detailed timetable!
Arsenic and Old Lace production a resounding success!
The Corfe Castle village hall was home to yet another amazing performance by your very own award winning Double Act drama group. The cast and backstage crew made the most of the fantastic improvements recently made to our beloved village hall to present a most memorable presentation of this classic play – for all the […]
Phantasmagorical Barn Dance!!
Double Act took their break from Arsenic and Old Lace rehearsals and hosted a fantastic Barn Dance in the newly refurbished Corfe Castle Village Hall on Friday, September 20th. We all enjoyed a terrific time, if you weren’t there, you should have been!! We “Stripped Our Willows” that evening with great gusto, retiring at the […]
Don’t miss our ‘Arsenic and Old Lace’ production!!
Your favourite NODA award winning DOUBLE ACT drama group presents ‘Arsenic and Old Lace’ by Joseph Kesselring in the newly refurbished Corfe Castle Village Hall, Dorset. BH20 5EE Performances take place in November 2019 on Thursday 14th, Friday 15th and Saturday 16th evenings commencing at 7.30pm. There is also a Saturday afternoon matinee commencing at […]
It’s back!! The Double Act Harvest Barn Dance!
Double Act are taking a break from their Arsenic and Old Lace rehearsals to host a fantastic Barn Dance in the newly refurbished Corfe Castle Village Hall on Friday, September 20th. You are hereby invited to join us to “Strip Your Willow” that evening, doors open 7:30pm and the fun commences shortly after! The amazing […]
Warming up for November’s Arsenic and Old Lace!
Double Act receives prestigious NODA award!!
Yes! We’ve done it again! Another honour at the NODA South West Awards. This time we won the NODA District Achievement Award South West District 11 Regional Representative Sylvia Coates for Continued improvement during difficult circumstances The citation reads “This award is presented to Double Act for continued improvement in performance and for creating […]